Anne Marie Szucs

Anne Marie Szucs is an emerging abstract artist working in oil and acrylic. Her inspirations are nature, colour, and the flow of energy around us all. She starts her work with the feel of "alla prima" but then adds layers of textures and colours in later stages to celebrate the image she sees - either based on plein air, photos, preliminary sketches, or purely from her imagination. Her colour palette is vibrant and expressionistic, and her works express her joy in the freedom of creation.

Summer Saturday, oil on panel

Based in St. Albert, Alberta, I'm inspired by the beautiful, big skies and wonderful light around me.

Featured Works

These three works, River One, River Two, and River Three, were presented as part of the April 2023 Mastrius "Underpainting in Red" juried, online Gallery Art Show. All three are 12" X 12" (depth of 1.5") on birch panel. Oil and cold wax.

Events and News

In June 2023, I was so grateful to attend a one-week art residency workshop in Ballycastle, Ireland (Ballinglen Arts Foundation) under the instruction of the wonderful Nuala Clarke, I worked with a small group of artists exploring and developing our individual styles of abstraction. Artistic growth for everyone was exponential. This was an amazing experience that I won't soon forget!

One studio habit I brought back with me from Ireland...French press coffee to start my session.